Pest Library


Non-biting flies, such as houseflies, are not only nuisance pests, but they are also responsible for transmitting diseases and contaminating food. For instance, flies are capable of contaminating food and transferring more than 100 pathogens, including malaria, sa…

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Termites cause over five billion dollars in damages to properties every year due to their appetite for wood. They are a type of insect that has the unique ability to consume cellulose, thanks to specialized protozoa that is in their digestive system. The protozoa …

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Stinging Insects

Stinging insects are eco-important, as many help to pollinate crops and plants, and predatory species help to control populations of nuisance insects. However, having a stinging insect colony build their nest in your yard or on your home can be a recipe for disast…

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Spiders are predators that feed on insects and other spiders. Like other animal species, spiders live wherever there is an abundance of their favorite food. Our yards, gardens, trees, and, unfortunately, even our homes are where many insects live; therefore, these…

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Scorpions are a type of arachnid, and are easy for most to identify. They have four pairs of legs, a pair of pincers, and a long segmented tail with a stinger at the end. Two of the most common species of scorpions living in our area are the bark scorpion and the …

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Pack rats, house mice, roof rats, and kangaroo rats are all examples of rodent species that live throughout our region. They and other species of rodents have come to rely on people for some of their food and shelter needs. Those rodents that live near us can be d…

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Ants are social insects, meaning they live and work together in large groups – makes controlling and eliminating these pests difficult and frustrating. Ants are most problematic on properties that offer easy access to food and water close to their nesting sites. A…

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Mosquitoes in the Home

When mosquitoes find their way inside your home through an open door or window, they usually rest in dark, hidden areas, but will come out at night in search of a blood meal. Homeowners sometimes find mosquitoes under sinks or in closets an…

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