

Scorpions are a type of arachnid, and are easy for most to identify. They have four pairs of legs, a pair of pincers, and a long segmented tail with a stinger at the end. Two of the most common species of scorpions living in our area are the bark scorpion and the Arizona giant hairy scorpion. The bark scorpion is considered the most dangerous species living in the United States because of their potent venom. The Arizona giant hairy scorpion is the largest species of scorpion living in the United States. Both of these species are capable of delivering painful, venom-filled stings.

Scorpions are predators, but despite being excellent hunters, they have poor vision; to hunt, they rely on touch and vibrations. They help to control the populations of nuisance pests that they feed on, such as insects, spiders, other scorpions, mice, and small lizards. Scorpions tend to be excellent climbers and live outside in damp, dark areas like behind tree bark, and under things like rocks, logs, fallen trees, woodpiles, and mulch in garden areas. Scorpions have high moisture needs, and areas of standing water attract them. Properties with leaky hoses, dripping pipes, clogged gutters, and other areas of standing water are attractive to scorpions. Unfortunately, these pests don’t just stay outside; they often find their way into homes and other buildings while hunting for food, or if the weather becomes too hot and dry. Inside, scorpions hide in humid areas of our homes like basements, crawlspaces, bathrooms, and laundry rooms.

Scorpion prevention tips: Keep scorpions out of your home by sealing gaps in the foundation or exterior walls, placing door sweeps on all exterior doors, and replacing any damaged window or door screens. Get rid of fallen trees, logs, leaf piles, excess woodpiles, and other debris from your property where scorpions can hide. Eliminate areas of standing water from your yard. Inside your home, repair any leaky pipes, ventilate your crawl space, and use dehumidifiers and air conditioners to reduce the humidity levels in your home. Reduce hiding spots by keeping, closets, basements, and other storage areas free of clutter.

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