

Pack rats, house mice, roof rats, and kangaroo rats are all examples of rodent species that live throughout our region. They and other species of rodents have come to rely on people for some of their food and shelter needs. Those rodents that live near us can be dangerous, annoying, and unwelcome pests, but rodents that live outside and away from people cause us no harm and are an essential part of the eco-system, acting as prey for a wide variety of predators.

What attracts rodents most to our outdoor spaces is access to food. Rodents feed on a variety of things like fruits, grains, seeds, vegetables, and sometimes insects. Our gardens, compost piles, pet’s food, and trash cans are places where rodents often forage for food. Rodents are active throughout the entire year and do not hibernate. Unfortunately, this means they can become a problem on any property at any time. They often get into homes while foraging for more food, moving inside through any small crack, hole, or crevice they discover. Keeping rodents out is important, because they contaminate food and surfaces with bacteria and pathogens, cause structural damage, destroy personal property, and as they travel, leave behind trails of urine and excrement.

Rodent prevention tips: Limit their access to food on your property by keeping locking lids on trash cans and compost bins. Remove bird feeders from your yard and pick up your pet’s uneaten food every evening. Use a caulking gun to seal cracks in the foundation, exterior walls, roofline, and place door sweeps on exterior doors. Use expanding foam to seal spaces around utilities entering your house. Eliminate hiding spots on your property by getting rid of overgrown vegetation, fallen trees, leaf piles, and rock piles. Get rid of areas of standing water on your property that they can use as a water source.

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